Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Great Jan Švankmajer

Married to a Czech.. you're more than likely will hear about fairytales. They're BIG on fairytales. One of them happens to be Little Otik (Otesánek) which Martin said he was first introduced to when he was a kid.
It's about a childless couple who can't concieve and during a vacation one year.. the husband sees part of a cut down tree and notices the resemblence it has to a baby. So he gives it to his wife who immediately loves it, treats it as her own, and goes bezerk. It's a fantastic movie with a really strange twist and I couldn't finish watching it.
Jan Švankmajer is the animator to Little Otik and other movies such as Alice (equally creepy), Faust (creepy), many other movies, and a short called Darkness Light Darkness. He is a Czech surrealist and I couldn't recommend his work anymore than this long intro.

Czech word for the day: strašidelný (strash-ee-dalnee) it means scary.

Oh, and just a bit of interesting info. Peanut's name almost ended up being Bozena, Baruka, or Annicka. Bozena being the crazy lady in Little Otik, Baruka from some chick he used to know and he said "she was a bit of a slut" but he liked the name, and Annicka was a man-eating flower in another fairytale. I think I dodged a bullet. What do you think?

1 comment:

boxercab said...

Yep, you definitely dodged a bullet there. Whew! :)