Tuesday, December 5, 2006

What the world eats

Peter Menzel (Photographer) has taken a series of pictures from around the world of different families and what they eat in a week. The outcome was shocking to me (except for the Americans, that one didn't surprise me). The text is in French but pretty self-explanatory. The series.

The Czech family home, I think would look like the German home featured there. They drink a lot of beer, wine, juices, water, fresh meat, fresh bread, and sauerkraut. I adapted pretty easily to eating there, and Martin stuffed himself. He looked like Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven. Remember how he always eating or drinking something? That was my husband.

1 comment:

boxercab said...

Wow that was very interesting. I noticed pizza was in both american families, of course. I also couldn't help but notice Nutella in the french family's diet. Same here. Mmmm.